Questions Answered with RE Minute April 29, 2019

REMinute- What are Your Home Priorities?

Click here for the printable Home Priority Game Board ——–> Housing Priority Game

When you’re looking for a new home, sometimes your desires can get in the way of reality. I know we all have that huge (and often unrealistic) list of what we WANT in a house, but don’t always have the means for it.

My perfect dream home has an ocean front view with a slide (Yes, a slide!) from my huge master suite that leads down to my immaculate kitchen with heated floors and indoor garden- But we can’t always get what we want (Cue the music).

In today’s clip, Aaron and I play the ‘Home Priority Game’. This game allows home buyers to truly narrow down their WANTS and their NEEDS in a new home. It gets you really thinking about what is going to be most important to you and your family, when it comes down to it.

Print out the game-board we’ve provided for you and play it on your own. Then make sure to let us know where your priorities lie, and maybe what you were being unrealistic about!


Questions Answered with RE Minute February 7, 2019

PNW RE Minute- Shopping For Your Home

Even though shopping for your home is one of the best parts of the process, it can sometimes get a little out of hand and feel a bit overwhelming. At times, home buyers will have too many “Wants” on their list, and then have a difficult time compromising when they don’t find their dream house meeting ALL of the criteria.

It’s important to go over your pros and cons list with your Realtor before even beginning to look for a house. This way, your Realtor will be able to help you narrow down what’s most important and available in your price range. They will also know to steer clear of any homes with your absolute “Nopes!”- Perhaps near a noisy train track, ugh…

Aaron and I discuss tips and tricks when searching for that perfect dream home. What’s your Must-Have or Deal Breaker in a home? Comment below!